Enter the digital dimension of contracts

Legal document management software. Contract automation. Electronic approvals. Single repository. #LegalTech

Created for big companies, ideal for small ones

Everything in one place

Comprehensive solution

Key features

Electronic repository

All your templates and company documents finally in one place. Always up to date. Easy to find. Available online from any location.

Contracts automation

Create professional documents from templates in just a few clicks. Work on the content and accept it electronically.

Company data up to date

Possibility of downloading company data automatically from the public registers. Identify your contractors professionally.

Integration with systems

Posiibility of integration with your company’s systems, such as CRM, ERP, and ECM. Download customer data for contracts. Export documents directly to all systems.

Team work, approvals

Set access and authorization levels. Work in a team on the preparation of documents, keeping the track of changes at the same time. Electronic approvals of documents.

Secure storage

Storage with all security rules required for IT systems. Transmission to the system encrypted with a 128-bit SSL key, separate data instances for each client.


We take the issue of data protection with utmost care. We comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We meet all technological and legal requirements.


Your company is a part of a group of companies? Parent and subsidiary companies can function as a single economic entity through a common source of control. Customize structure of users, manage authorization levels.

Secure backup

Automatic backup of system configuration and data base. Backup copies are stored in a different location than the original data. Copies are also encrypted.


Work international? Our multi-lingual dashboard helps to solve your document management needs in all of your locations. Think global, act local. Visit: www.legaldpt.com.

More features

Certified electronic signature. Integration with CRM, Active Directory, Single Sing On, Office365, Sharepoint, Teams.

Dedicated solution

We will propose the implementation of a system customised to your requirements. Let's talk. Book a demo.

LegalTech. Professionally. Without unnecessary formalism.

Direct benefits

Time and money savings

Repetitive and routine cases will be automated. You have more time and resources to be creative in business.


All documents in one place. Thanks to the electronic repository you have everything at hand in a few clicks.


Thanks to technology you increase productivity and minimize the risk of making a mistake. Your innovation will translate into professionalism.

Meet us

Book a demo

Beata Brynczak

Legal counsel

Sebastian Grzywacz

Legal counsel

Monika Kamińska-Koroś

Attorney at Law Trainee

How we work

Implementation process


Get to know

We present the system and its functionalities.We talk about your needs in digital transformation.



We analyse your requirements. We offer ready-made solutions or a customised version.



We implement the system according to the agreed solutions. We train, maintain and develop.